Tsvetnye Metally

This year is the 60-th anniversary of JSC «Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika», which is a scientific and technical complex with a years of experience of development and introduction of special-purpose automation mediums and control systems in metallurgical and ore dressing branches of industry. The enterprise's history is shown together with new achievements in creation of leading computer-aided systems for non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises.
Besides, this issue includes the traditional articles, considering economics, metallurgy of noble and light metals, composite materials and physical metallurgy.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
ArticleAuthor | Korneev S. I. |
ArticleAuthorData | Korneev S. I., Senior Analyst of "Managing Company "Metalloinvest" LLC, e-mail: nirsks@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | Economy and innovation management of universities |
ArticleAuthors | Miklushevskiy D. V., Mansurov S. Yu., Piterskaya T. N., Mansurov Yu. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia: D. V. Miklushevskiy, Post-Graduate Student of a Chair “Material Science and Materials Technology” |
ArticleName | The main research areas of JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika” in automation of ore mining and smelting processes |
ArticleAuthors | Topchaev V. P., Salikhov Z. G. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia: V. P. Topchaev, Chief Executive Officer, Academician of Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: scma@scma.ru |
ArticleName | New technical solutions for automated selection systems, preparation and delivery of pulpar samples for analysis |
ArticleAuthors | Topchaev V. P., Fedin G. V., Topchaev A. V., Lapidus M. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia: V. P. Topchaev, Chief Executive Officer |
ArticleName | An automated system for bulk materials samples’ selection and delivery at Lebedinsky GOK |
ArticleAuthors | Drobyshev A. A., Demin A. V., Lapidus M. V., Pak V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Lebedinsky GOK”, Belgorod Oblast, Gubkin, Russia: A. A. Drobyshev, Head of Statistical Quality Control Department (Technical Control Office)
JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Ways to improve and case history of atomic absorption analyzer of “Spectrum” series at the russian and foreign enterprises |
ArticleAuthors | Krivozubov V. A., Maltsev N. E., Gromova T. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia: V. A. Krivozubov, Head of Laboratory No. 54 |
ArticleName | New devices for air emissions control in the working area of enterprises and their standards for settings and checking |
ArticleAuthors | Oksengoyt E. A., Borisov B. N., Fokina E. Yu., Shipatov V. T. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia: E. A. Oksengoyt, Head of Laboratory of Special Measurement Technology Tools, e-mail: okseng37@mail.ru
ArticleName | Industrial in-line automatic granulometer PIK-074P as the basis of automatic control and quality materials grinding control systems |
ArticleAuthors | Topchaev V. P., Topchaev A. V., Lapidus M. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia: V. P. Topchaev, Chief Executive Officer |
ArticleName | Experience of technological processes optimal control (milling complexes) automated systems creation |
ArticleAuthors | Sokolov I. V., Shapirovskiy M. R., Kuzyakov A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia: I. V. Sokolov, Head of Automatic Process Control System Department, e-mail: scma@scma.ru |
ArticleName | Special-purpose hardware for automatic control of ore flotation process parameters |
ArticleAuthors | Topchaev V. P., Fedin G. V., Pak V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia: V. P. Topchaev, Chief Executive Officer |
ArticleName | The control system of anode baking in the open annular furnace |
ArticleAuthors | Soshkin S. V., Soshkin G. S., Topchaev V. P., Rutkovskiy A. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Scientific-Production Center “Yugtsvetmetavtomatika”, Vladikavkaz, Russia: S. V. Soshkin, Director, e-mail: soshkin@scma.ru
JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia:
ArticleName | Treatment process of radioelectronic scrap |
ArticleAuthors | Telyakov A. N., Gorlenkov D. V., Telyakov N. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National Mineral Resources University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. N. Telyakov, Assistant Professor |
ArticleName | Overview of contemporary scientific research results in calcium metallurgy |
ArticleAuthors | Tarasov V. P., Kropachev A. N., Kulifeev V. K. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia: V. P. Tarasov, Head of a Chair of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold, e-mail: vptar@misis.ru |
ArticleName | Formation of protective composite coatings on magnesium alloy using the method of plasma electrolytic oxidation and telomeric solution |
ArticleAuthors | Gnedenkov S. V., Sinebryukhov S. L., Mashtalyar D. V., Nadaraia K. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Chemistry of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia: S. V. Gnedenkov, Professor, Deputy Director for Science, Head of Department of Electrochemical Systems and Surface Modification Processes |
ArticleName | Structure and properties of the high temperature rapidly quenched nickel-based superalloy of the type EP741NP under high temperature tests |
ArticleAuthor | Shulga A. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia: A. V. Shulga, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Physical Problems of Material Science, e-mail: avshulga@mephi.ru |