Gornyi Zhurnal

The 4-th issue of Gornyi Zhurnal (Mining Journal) (April, 2014) includes the articles, devoted to the 40-th anniversary of Oktyabrskiy mine (Polar Division of “Norilsk Nickel” MMC). The basic attention in the articles is paid to the problem of provision of safety of mining operations at depths in conditions of rock massif seismicity.
This problem is also shared in other articles on example of exploitation of ores of various deposits in Russia and foreign countries.
In the last years, specialists pay more attention to georadar researches of rock structure and state of support (in particular, concrete). This problem is considered in two articles.
This issue also includes the article about one of the oldest Russian museums – National Museum of Republic of Bashkortostan (in particular, its geological collection).
The section “Designing and Mining-Constructions Work” describes the experience of company "Thyssen Mining Construction East” (producer of ultra deep shafts for “Norilsk Nickel” MMC).
The section “Equipment and materials” includes the articles, which share the questions of use of light concretes in Northern underground mines in cryolithic zone; application of new type of arch support of shaft excavations; and development of loading complex of skip hoisting.
Articles of the section “Processing and Complex Usage of Mineral Raw Materials” consider the complex problem of processing of refractory gold-containing ores and polymetallic ores of Russia, Mongolia and Tajikistan.
This issue also contains articles, devoted to questions of environmental protection and problem of personnel training for mining operations.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Oktyabrsky mine celebrates 40th anniversary |
Авторы | Gorbachev S.A., Balandin V. V. |
Информация об авторах | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company (Talnakh, Russia): Gorbachev S. A., Director, Oktyabrsky Mine, Phone: +7 (3919) 37-22-34 |
Название | Geomechanical substantiation of mining sequence at the south end of separatory block in oktyabrsky mine |
Авторы | Anokhin A. G., Marysyuk V. P., Nagovitsyn Yu. N., Andreev A. A., Mulev S. N. |
Информация об авторах | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company (Norilsk, Russia): Anokhin A. G., Director, Geodynamic Safety Center, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Phone: +7 (3919) 37-19-78
Название | Improvement of rock mass destressing by large diameter holes in sulfide-ore mining |
Авторы | Marysyuk V. P., Korneichuk V. I., Fender S. N., Andreev A. A., Koretsky A. S. |
Информация об авторах | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company (Talnakh, Russia): Marysyuk V. P., Chief Engineer, Geodynamic Safety Center, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Phone: +7 (3919) 49-15-34
VNIMI Inter-Industry Scientific Center (Saint-Petersburg, Russia):
Multi-Regional Technological Office, Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Norilsk, Russia): |
Название | Methodology of accounting for effect of ore and host rock damage ratio on seismic risk |
Авторы | Anokhin A. G., Semen’ko K. A., Darbinyan T. P., Tsirel’ S. V., Mulev S. N. |
Информация об авторах | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company (Talnakh, Russia) Anokhin A. G., Director, Geodynamic Safety Center, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Phone: +7(3919) 45-21-57
National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
VNIMI Inter-Industry Scientific Center (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
The research work was executed, interalios, by L. V. Kakoshina, Chief of Department of the Geodynamic Safety Center (GSC); E. V. Rodionova, Assistant Chief of Department, GSC; O. V. Sitnikova, Principal Engineer of Department, GSC; M. V. Tereshenko, Category 2 Engineer of Department, GSC. |
Название | Improvement of excavation support techniques in mines of the norilsk nickel mining and metallurgical company |
Авторы | Galaov R. B., Nagovitsyn Yu. N., Pliev B. Z., Andreev A. A., Vil’chinsky V. B. |
Информация об авторах | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company (Talnakh, Russia) Galaov R. B., Chief, Mining and Geology Department, Phone: +7 (3919) 40-61-10
Gipronickel Institute (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
The research work was conducted, inter alios, by A. N. Ksenafontov, Head of Technological Department, Oktyabrsky Mine; A. A. Kisel’, Top Specialist of the Geodynamic Safety Center (GSC); A. A. Bazin, Top Specialist, GSC; K. V. Smolov, Deputy Chief Engineer, Mining and Geology Department. |
Название | Methodological aspects of creation of common information space at mining enterprise |
Авторы | Kurtsev B. V., Zhdanov A. V. |
Название | Underground excavation support in deformable and rockburst-hazardous rock mass conditions |
Авторы | Louchnikov V. N., Eremenko V. A., Sandy M. P., Bucher R. |
Информация об авторах | Australian Mining Consultants Pty Ltd. (Perth, Australia): Louchnikov V. N., Principal Mining Geotechnical Engineer, e-mail: vlouchnikov@amcconsultants.com
Institute of Problems of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources (Moscow, Russia):
Geobrugg Company (Perth, Australia): |
Название | Estimation of uranium production peak |
Авторы | Kharitonov V. V., Kabashev K. V., Kurel’chuk U. N. |
Информация об авторах | National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (Moscow, Russia): Kharitonov V. V., Professor, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, e-mail: VVKharitonov@mephi.ru |
Название | Assessment of efficiency of inputs for labor safety in coal mines |
Авторы | Gendler S. G., Kochetkova E. A., Samarov L. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Saint-Petersburg, Russia): Gendler S. G., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: sgendler@mail.ru
Siberian Coal Energy Company SUEK (Moscow, Russia): |
Название | Experience in pelletized porous niter delivery to mines of the Extreme North |
Авторы | Samoilov V. I., Sharuda V. G., Sen’ko N. V. |
Информация об авторах | Granas Ltd. (Magadan, Russia): Samoilov V. I., Scientific Consultant, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: svi26021943@yandex.ru
Tekhnoprom Ltd. (Moscow, Russia): |
Название | Method of ore loss minimization in underground kimberlite mining |
Авторы | Kul’minsky A. S., Tishkov M. V. |
Информация об авторах | Yakutniproalmaz Institute, ALROSA Co. (Yakutsk, Russia): Kul’minsky A. S., Deputy Chief Engineer on Mining, e-mail: KulmiskyAS@alrosa.ru |
Название | Gpr-study of open-pit benches related to rock structure and condition, zhelezny open pit mine, kovdorsky mining-and-processing integrated works |
Авторы | Kalashnik A. I., Zaporozhets D. V., D’yakov A. Yu., Kazachkov S. V., Sokharev V. A. |
Информация об авторах | Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences: Kalashnik A. I., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: kalashnik@goi.kolasc.net.ru
Название | Enhancement of mechanized mining equipment efficiency in high performance mining |
Авторы | Zubov V. P., Karpov G. N., Polosukhin S. V. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Saint-Petersburg, Russia): Zubov V. P., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: spggi_zubov@mail.ru
Raspadskaya–Koksovaya CJSC (Mezhdurechensk, Russia): |
Название | Prediction of methane release from exposed coal surface in development heading under rapid advance of drivage |
Авторы | Kachurin N. M., Vorob’ev S. A., Kachurin A. N. |
Информация об авторах | Tula State University (Tula, Russia): Kachurin N. M., Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences e-mail: ecology@tsu.tula.ru
FGAOU VPO "Belgorod State National Research University" Higher School "BSU":
Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia): |
Название | Strata bolting in roadways in the influence zone of stoping in Karaganda coal mines |
Авторы | Nizametdinov V. F., Demin V. F., Bakhtybaeva A. S., Imashev A. J., Huangan N. |
Информация об авторах | Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan): Nizametdinov V. F., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: Niz36@mail.ru
LLP "Mining Researeh Group": |
Название | Innovative construction technology of ultra deep shafts |
Автор | Kaledin O. S. |
Информация об авторе | OOO "Thyssen Mining Construction East" enterprise group Thyssen Schachtbau: Kaledin O. S., Technical Director, e-mail: kaledin.oleg@ts-gruppe.com |
Название | Integrated diagnostic of concrete lining in potash mine shafts |
Авторы | Zhukov A. A., Tarasov V. V., Prigara A. M., Tsarev R. I. |
Информация об авторах | Galurgia JSC (Perm, Russia): Zhukov A. A., Head of Geophysics Laboratory, e-mail: Zhukov.Aleksandr@gallurgy.ru
PPI-Geofizika Ltd. (Perm, Russia): |
Название | Copper-molybdenum ore beneficiation by flotation and bio-hydrometallurgical combination technology |
Авторы | Morozov V. V., Pestryak I. V., Baatarkhuu Zh., Khandmaa S. |
Информация об авторах | Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia): Morozov V. V., Head of Department of Chemistry, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e mail: dchmggu@mail.ru
Erdenet Mining Corporation (Erdenet, Mongolia):
Mongolyn Alt (MAK) Group (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia): |
Название | Gold recovery from reusable solutions of gold extracting plants and heap leaching using fine coal filters |
Авторы | Osinenko E. P., Kuznetsov S. A. |
Информация об авторах | ARMS Ltd. (Moscow, Russia): Osinenko E. P., Production Manager, e-mail: e.osinenko@gmail.com
Science Capital Ltd. (Moscow, Russia): |
Название | The preparation of gold-containing ores of Tajikistan |
Авторы | Zinchenko Z. A., Samikhov Sh. R. |
Информация об авторах | Chemistry institute named after V. I. Nikitin of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan): Zinchenko Z. A., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: mariya14@list.ru |
Название | Analysis of the effective use range of light concrete in underground mines in permafrost zone of the North |
Авторы | Galkin A. F., Naumov A. A. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines) (Saint-Petersburg, Russia): Galkin A. F., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: afgalkin@mail.ru |
Название | Modeling yielding joint of metal arch support in underground roadways |
Автор | Brodny J. |
Информация об авторе | Mining Mechanization Institute (Gliwice, Poland): Brodny J., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: jaroslaw.brodny@polsl.pl |
Название | Improvement of control system for loading unit of skip hoist |
Авторы | Zhukov Yu. P., Boronin B. F., Dotsenko S. A., Eremenko A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Science and Technology Center for Energy Saving Problems (Donetsk, Ukraine) Zhukov Yu. P., Director, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Praktika Science and Production Firm Ltd. (Dzerzhinsk, Russia) |
Название | Dependence of fuel consumption by dump trucks from mining conditions in Yubileyny open pit |
Авторы | Zyryanov I. V., Tatarinov P. S., Zolotukhin G. K. |
Информация об авторах | Mirny Polytechnic Institute (branch) of North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk (Mirny, Russia): Zyryanov I. V., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ZyryanovIV@alrosa.ru
Student V. D. Androsov was the participant of this work. |
Название | Ecological safety of uranium production in Ukraine |
Автор | Lyashenko V. I. |
Информация об авторе | Ukrainian Research & Development Institute for Industrial Technology (Zheltye Vody, Ukraine): Lyashenko V. I., Head of Department, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: vi_lyashenko@mail.ru |
Название | Ecological-geochemical monitoring of soil cover in the influence zone of Nyurba Mining and Processing Integrated Works |
Авторы | Legostaeva Ya. B. Ksenofontova M. K., Dyagileva A. G. |
Информация об авторах | Scientific Research Institute of Applied Ecology, Amosov’s North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia): Legostaeva Ya. B., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Biochemical Sciences, e-mail: ylego@mail.ru |
Название | Mechanism of formation of mineralization of open pit waters in the time of mastering of Mikashevichy building stone deposit and measures for its decreasing |
Авторы | Grechko A. M., Panasenko V. A., Volkov V. E., Dedovich A. V. |
Информация об авторах | «Belgorkhimprom» JSC (Minsk, Republic of Belarus): Grechko A. M., Deputy Chief Executive Officer on Scientific Work, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, е-mail: geo78@mail.ru
Republican Unitary Production Enterprise «Granit» (Mikashevichy, Republic of Belarus): |
Название | Geological collection as a part of assemblage of the National Museum of Republic of Bashkortostan |
Автор | Sirotkin V. N. |
Информация об авторе | National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Russia): Sirotkin V. N., Senior Researcher, Bailee of the Natural History Fund, e mail: nm56@mail.ru |