Gornyi Zhurnal

The features of this issue are three inserts of celebration collections - from Donskoy Mining and Concentrating Works (affiliate of Kazkhrom from Khromtau, Kazakhstan), from Krivorozhskiy National University (Krivoy Rog, Ukraine) and from DonNIIGRI Institute (Donetsk, Ukraine). These publications indicate historic way of the a.m. organizations in connection with their anniversaries, reflects their production and scientific-technical innovations. International presentation from the two leading CIS mining countries - Ukraine and Kazakhstan - should be mentioned with satisfaction.
Conventional journal sections include articles devoted to different themes, such as mining and construction works, physics and mechanics of rocks, development of deposits, processing and complex usage of mineral resources.
Information about services and products of Russian and foreign mining companies is presented on the coloured inserts, as well as advances about forthcoming exhibitions and conferences.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise is a subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC | |
Название | Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise in the world market of chromites: history and development prospects |
Авторы | Til V. V., Bekeev M. M. |
Информация об авторах | «Transnational Company «KazKhrom» JSC (Aktobe, Kazakhstan): Til V. V., President of a Corporation
Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC (Khromtau, Kazakhstan): Bekeev M. M., Executive Officer, e-mail: mbekeev@kazchrome4.enrc.com |
Название | Mastering of deep horizons of chromite deposits in the development strategy of Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise: problems and ways of solving |
Авторы | Til V . V., Bekeev M. M., Sashurin A. D. |
Информация об авторах | «Transnational Company «KazKhrom» JSC (Aktobe, Kazakhstan): Til V. V., President of a Corporation
Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC (Khromtau, Kazakhstan): Bekeev M. M., Executive Officer
Sashurin A. D., Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: sashour@igd.uran.ru |
Название | Geomechanical problems of shafts construction at Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise |
Авторы | Til V. V., Bekeev M. M., Bolikov V. E. |
Информация об авторах | «Transnational Company «KazKhrom» JSC (Aktobe, Kazakhstan): Til V. V., President of a Corporation
Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom» JSC (Khromtau, Kazakhstan): Bekeev M. M., Executive Officer
Institute of Mining of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Bolikov V. E., Head of Laboratory, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: bolik@igduran.ru |
Название | Improvement of interface technology of the deep horizons in the conditions of stressed rock massifs |
Авторы | Podoprigora O. A., Bondarenko G. V., Neverov A. M., Ozornin I. L. |
Информация об авторах | Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC (Khromtau, Kazakhstan): Podoprigora O. A., Chief Engineer of Mine Construction Shop, e-mail: opodoprigora@kazchrome4.enrc.com
Institute of Mining of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia): |
Название | Choice of optimal type of supports of mine openings on the basis of modeling of stress state of underground construction |
Автор | Tretyak A. V. |
Информация об авторе | Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom» JSC (Khromtau, Kazakhstan): Tretyak A. V., Head of Scientific and Research Center, e-mail: Anatoliy.tretyak@kz.enrc.com |
Название | Improvement of technology and increasing of production output |
Авторы | Loginov N. M., Imekeshova M. A. |
Информация об авторах | Donskoy Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise – subsidiary of «Transnational Company «KazKhrom»» JSC (Khromtau, Kazakhstan): Loginov N. M., Deputy Director on Quality |
Scientific-Research Ore Mining Institute of a State University “Kryviy Rih National University” | |
Название | 80th anniversary of Scientific-Research Mining Institute of the State High School "Krivorozhskiy National University" |
Автор | Babets E. K. |
Информация об авторе | Scientific-Research Mining Institute of the State High School "Krivorozhskiy National University" (Krivoy Rog, Ukraine): Babets E. K., Director, Cand. Eng., e-mail: nigri@paradise.net.ua |
State Enterprise “Donetsk Institute for research, design work and engineering services in the refractory industry” (“DonNIGRI”) | |
Название | 50 years as a part of mining complex of Ukraine |
Авторы | Novoselov S. V., Klimenko A. K., Belova D. D. |
Информация об авторах | State Enterprise “Donetsk Institute for research, design work and engineering services in the refractory industry” (“DonNIGRI”) (Donetsk, Ukraine): Novoselov S. V., Acting Executive Officer, e-mail: novoselov@donnigri.com.ua |
Название | Problems of introduction of mining disturbed lands into the economic turnover: estimation of reclamation efficiency, new approaches |
Авторы | Vinichenko E. V., Fedchuk V. S. |
Информация об авторах | State Enterprise “Donetsk Institute for research, design work and engineering services in the refractory industry” (“DonNIGRI”) (Donetsk, Ukraine): Vinichenko E. V., Chief Engineer, e-mail: vini4enko@donnigri.com.ua |
Название | Sinking and construction of two vertical shafts by ground freezing in order to develop the Palasherski field of the Verchnekamski potash deposit in the Perm region of Russia |
Авторы | Chaginov А. V., Suppes I. V., Dorn E. A. |
Информация об авторах | Ussolski Potash Combine, OAO ‘MHK EuroChem’, Berezniki (Russia): А. V. Chaginov, Deputy Head of Mining Operations, Construction of shafts for the Ussolski Potash Combine, OAO ‘MHK EuroChem’, Berezniki (Russia)
Thyssen Schachtbau GmbH, Mülheim an der Ruhr (Germany): |
Название | Definition of natural stress state of the massif of Maleevskoe deposit |
Авторы | Makarov A. B., Ogorodnikov S. V., Kalmurzaev K. A. |
Информация об авторах | SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd.: Makarov A. B., Chief Consultant on Geomachanics, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: amakarov@srk.ru.com
“Kaztsink” LLC (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan): Kalmurzaev K. A., Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
Название | The concept of forming the geoinformation system of a mining enterprise |
Авторы | Isachenko A. O., Mikhalevich D. S., Yunakov Yu. L. |
Информация об авторах | Scientific-Engineering Enterprise "Geomark" LLC (Krasnoyarsk, Russia): Isachenko A. O., Chief Engineer, e-mail: geomark@mail.ru
Yunakov Yu. L., Head of the Chair of Land-Surveying Matter, Prof., Cand. Eng. |
Название | Improvement of management system on the coal mine |
Автор | Kozlov V. V. |
Информация об авторе | Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (Moscow, Russia): Kozlov V. V., Head of a Chair, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: Kozmaster@rambler.ru |
Название | Innovative development as a basis of increase of competitiveness of heavy mechanical engineering in the Kemerovo region |
Авторы | Grebennikov A. V., Starikova L. N. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Coal SB RAS (Kemerovo, Russia): Grebennikov A. V., Senior Engineer
Starikova L. N., Professor, Doctor of Social Science, e-mail: ef@kemsu.ru |
Название | Russian peat industry: results of the past, view into the future |
Авторы | Zyuzin B. F., Misnikov O. S., Panov V. V., Kopenkina L. F. |
Информация об авторах | Tver State Technical University (Tver, Russia) Zyuzin B. F., Prorector on Scientific Work and International Communications, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Kopenkina L. F., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
East European Institute of Peat (Tver, Russia) Panov V. V., Chief Operating Officer, Doctor of Geographic Sciences |
Название | Russian Far East: advancing of open-cast mining |
Авторы | Ilin S. A., Kovalenko V. S., Pastikhin D. V. |
Информация об авторах | Editorial board of Gornyi Zhurnal (Mining Journal) (Moscow, Russia): Ilin S. A., Consultant on Mining Operations, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: gornjournal@rudmet.ru
Moscow State Mining University (Moscow): |
Название | Experience of mastering of “50 let Oktyabrya” copper sulphide deposit in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Авторы | Altushkin I. A., Korol Yu. A., Koshik A. A. |
Информация об авторах | “Russian Copper Company” JSC (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Altushkin I. A., Head of a Board of Directors
“Kazgeorud” LLC (Aktobe, Kazakhstan): Koshik A. A., Chief Executive Officer |
Название | Research of technology and productive capacity of rotor mining-loading complex during the fan advancing of the field of excavation operations in the coal pit |
Авторы | Kislyakov V. E., Nikitin A. V., Katyshev P. V. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia): Kislyakov V. E., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: VKislyakov@sfu-kras.ru |
Название | Conceptual approaches to the creation of low waste and wasteless mining production on the basis of combination of physical-technical and physical-chemical geotechnologies |
Автор | Golik V. I. |
Информация об авторе | South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk, Russia): Golik V. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: v.i.golik@mail.ru |
Название | The stone industry in the Ukraine |
Авторы | Maevsky O. S., Daniel P. |
Информация об авторах | Agency of Industrial Marketing (Kiev, Ukraina): Maevsky O. S., Head of Research on natural stone market, e-mail: om@aimarketing.info
Spain: Daniel P., Journalist freelance, the observer on the industry of a natural stone |
Название | Flotation of oxidized copper ores of Udokan deposit |
Авторы | Fatyanov A. V., Yurgenson G. A., Shcheglova S. A. |
Информация об авторах | Zabaikalsky State University (Chita, Russia): Fatyanov A. V., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: fatyanov.albert@yandex.ru Shcheglova S. A., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Yurgenson G. A., Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences |
Название | Percolation uranium leaching from rock ores |
Авторы | Litvinenko V. G., Sheludchenko V. G., Morozov A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Priargunskoe Industrial Mining and Chemical Union (Krasnokamensk, Russia): Litvinenko V. G., Chief Technologist, Dr. Eng. |