Tsvetnye Metally

The second issue of "Tsvetnye Metally" (Non-ferrous metals) journal (February, 2013) continues the series of articles about the projects of Russian Copper Company. For example, the section "Economics and Management of Production" includes the article, where the development of Russian Copper Company is used for consideration of synergy effects, which appear as a result of cooperation of enterprises in vertically integrated structure. There is shown the possibility of appearance of synergy effect both because of mergers and take-overs, and in matters of industrial engineering and labour differentiation in holding structures. There is defined, that during the cooperation of economic objects, the synergy effect usually appears, when all subdivisions, which take part in the process, are united by one object. This object consists in increasing of competitiveness and efficiency of the whole company.
2013 is the 50-th anniversary of Russian diamond-processing industry. “Kristall Production Corporation” JSC is not only the first enterprise in this industry, but also the largest manufacturer of diamonds in Russia and one of largest manufacturers in Europe. The diamond factory in Smolensk was set in operation on March 1, 1963. The unique school of operating skills was created at the enterprise. Due to this school, the brand of “Kristall Production Corporation” has always been associated with high quality. For many years, this brand has been famous in the world as "Russian cut" diamonds. “Kristall Production Corporation” JSC celebrates its 50-th anniversary on March, 2013. Collection of articles, written by the specialists from this enterprise, is devoted to this event.
The section "Heavy Non-Ferrous Metals" presents the article by L. V. Krupnov, R. V. Starykh and A. F. Petrov. This article considers the reasons of scaffold formation in the flash smelting furnace at "Nadezhda" Metallurgical Plant. There were discussed the basic changings of composition of the processed raw materials. There is shown the negative influence on the smelting characteristics, which is made by the components of anthropogenic raw materials, added to the charge. There are considered certain mechanisms of scaffold formation in pyrometallurgical apparatuses. The obtained results make it possible to adapt the exploitation regimes of the flash smelting furnaces at "Nadezhda" Metallurgical Plant to the changed composition of processed raw materials.
The article by V. M. Sizyakov, O. A. Dubovikov, N. V. Nikolaeva and M. G. Yakovlev, published in the section "Aluminium, Alumina, Carbon Materials", shows the global tendency of increasing of the production of primary aluminium, which is directly connected not only with increasing extraction of bauxites and obtaining of alumina, but also with formation of large quantity of alumina industry wastes. One of the ways of solving this ecological problem, is the complex usage of raw materials, namely, usage of red mugs in ferrous metallurgy.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
Автор | Korneev S. I. |
Информация об авторе | Korneev S. I., e-mail: int4479237@yandex.ru |
Название | Labor motivation and social partnership. Part 2 |
Авторы | Kotlyar B. A., Okunkov A. M. |
Информация об авторах | “TsNOTORGMET” Consultation and Analytical Center, Moscow, Russia B. A. Kotlyar, Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: tsnot@yandex.ru
All-Russian Sectorial Association of employers “Association of manufacturers of mining and metallurgical complex of Russia”, Moscow, Russia |
Название | Usage of the synergy possibilities for sustainable development of vertically integrated structures |
Автор | Altushkin I. A. |
Информация об авторе | “Russian Copper Company” JSC, Ekaterinburg, Russia I. A. Altushkin, Head of the Board of Directors, e-mail: sysoeva_anna@rcc-group.ru |
Название | Improvement of estimation method of export efficiency |
Авторы | Ilichev I. P., Brinza V. V., Ugarova O. A. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia I. P. Ilichev, Assistant Professor, Head of the Chair of Applied Economics, e-mail: iip2006@mail.ru |
Название | Managerial decisions, which promote to the increasing of financial indices. Experience of “Kristall Production Corporation” JSC |
Автор | Moskaleva N. V. |
Информация об авторе | “Kristall Production Corporation” JSC, Smolensk, Russia Moskaleva N. V., Economist of Department of Planning and Economic Analysis, phone: +7 (4812) 64-67-35 |
Название | Innovations and investments in technical re-equipment at “Kristall Production Corporation” JSC |
Автор | Romankov A. V. |
Информация об авторе | “Kristall Production Corporation” JSC, Smolensk, Russia A. V. Romankov, Chief Technologist, phone: +7(4812) 20–01–10 |
Название | Personnel training at “Kristall Production Corporation” JSC |
Автор | Bocharov A. A. |
Информация об авторе | “Kristall Production Corporation” JSC, Smolensk, Russia A. A. Bocharov, Head of Educational Center, e-mail: a.bocharov@kristallsmolensk.ru |
Название | Replica of a Great Imperial Crown of the Russian Empire |
Название | Belomorsk diamonds: it's just the beginning |
Автор | Grigorash O. F. |
Название | Theory of creation of innovation flotation technologies. Part 1. Theory of modern flotation |
Автор | Abramov A. A. |
Информация об авторе | Moscow State Mining University, Moscow, Russia A. A. Abramov, Professor, e-mail: AbramovAA31@mail.ru |
Название | Forming mechanism of refractory accretion in the falsh smelters of “Nadezhda” Metallurgical Plant |
Авторы | Krupnov L. V., Starykh R. V., Petrov A. F. |
Информация об авторах | Polar Division of “Norilsk Nickel” MMC, Norilsk, Russia L. V. Krupnov, Head of Engineering Department, e-mail: krupnovlv@nk.nornik.ru A. F. Petrov, Head of the Laboratory of Engineering Maintenance of Industry
“Gipronickel Institute” LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia R. V. Starykh, Leading Researcher |
Название | Efficiency estimation of complex processing of raw materials (on the example of processing of nepheline ore with addition of bauxites) |
Авторы | Lapo V. F., Kravchenko M. V. |
Информация об авторах | Chair of Management, Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia V. F. Lapo, Professor, e-mail: region24@yandex.ru M. V. Kravchenko, Post-graduate Student |
Название | Preparation of bauxites for the research of processing possibility of red slimes for their usage in ferrous metallurgy |
Авторы | Sizyakov V. M., Dubovikov O. A., Nikolaeva N. V., Yakovlev M. G. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University, Saint Petersburg, Russia V. M. Sizyakov, Head of the Chair of Non-ferrous Metals Metallurgy, phone: +7 (812) 328-82-67 |
Название | Practice of the production efficiency increasing of the second generation aluminium electrolyzers by the increasing of a current intensity |
Авторы | Nozhko S. I., Sukhov O. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | “RUSAL Engineering and Technological Center” LLC, Bratsk, Russia S. I. Nozhko, Head of the Electrolysis Department, e-mail: Semen.Nozhko@rambler.com
“RUSAL Bratsk” JSC, Bratsk, Russia O. Yu. Sukhov, Manager of the Electrolysis Board |
Название | Synthesis of dispersed materials, based on the titanium, zirconium, cerium and yttrium oxides, using the plasma chemical method |
Авторы | Buynovskiy A. S., Obkhodskaya E. V., Sachkov V. I. |
Информация об авторах | Chair “Chemistry and Technology of Materials of Modern Energetics”, Seversk Technological Institute, Seversk, Russia A. S. Buynovskiy, Professor
1Chair “Chemistry and Technology of Materials of Modern Energetics”, Seversk Technological Institute, Seversk, Russia; 2Innovation and Technological Center, Siberian Physical and Technical Institute of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Innovation and Technological Center, Siberian Physical and Technical Institute of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia V. I. Sachkov, Assistant Professor, Head of Laboratory |
Название | Influence of the structure of diamond drill bits' matrices on their abrasion resistance. Part 2. Research of wear resistance of diamond drill bits |
Авторы | Polushin N. I., Laptev A. I., Baragunov E. M. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia N. I. Polushin, Head of the Scientific and Research Laboratory “Superhard materials” |
Название | Behavior of chromium-nickel alloys, during the process of low-temperature autoclave oxidation of refractory sulfide gold-containing raw materials |
Авторы | Bolobov V. I., Shneerson Ya. M., Lapin A. Yu., Bitkov G. A. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University, Saint Petersburg, Russia V. I. Bolobov, Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Chair, e-mail: Boloboff@mail.ru
Scientific and Research Center “Hydrometallurgy” LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia Ya. M. Shneerson, Chief Executive Officer, Professor |
Название | Development of experimental bench for iodide zirconium refining of automatization process, on the basis of industrial furnace SKB-5025 (СКБ-5025) |
Авторы | Lavrikov S. A., Kotsar M. L., Akhtonov S. G., Chernyshev A. A., Kopysov N. V. |
Информация об авторах | Leading Scientific-research Institute of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia S. A. Lavrikov, Leading Researcher, e-mail: selavr@rambler.ru
“Chepetsk Mechanical Plant” JSC, Glazov, Russia S. G. Akhtonov, Head of a Shop |
Название | Smart molecular and electronic measurement systems of linear and angular low frequency vibrations |
Авторы | Rannev G. G., Gelonkin A. I., Sokolov Yu. S. |
Информация об авторах | Chair of Information Systems and Measuring Technologies, Department of Computer Information Technologies, Viktor Chernomyrdin Moscow State Open University, Moscow, Russia G. G. Rannev, Professor, e-mail: 221mgoulab@rambler.ru |